Thursday, November 11, 2010

When the iPhone to Verizon 4 is carried out of the park, expect mass exodus

The iPhone 4 Verizon will sell quickly to Verizon customers who have long been expected, but do not expect iPhone users to the current line to switch companies unless Verizon is done outside the park with his version of the iPhone 4. Changing teams in January would mean having to buy and those of the existing contract with AT & T at the top of the purchase of a new iPhone compatible Verizon 4 even if you already have an iPhone in April, on top of that, which face even vaguely equal options is usually choose to stay on the basis of inertia if nothing else. This is what Verizon has to do to hit out of the park with the iPhone 4 and cause a mass exodus from the current user base of AT & T iPhone:
screen protector

Best prices: This seems obvious, but likely to dictate the prices of iPhone 4 are the same in both companies Apple, this era of tight wallets means that Verizon could attract iPhone users with cheaper data plans, plans of messages text cheapest and most reasonable price in options such as freezing.

Unlimited Data: sad news this time of limited data plans, many iPhone users who have been exempted on unlimited data plans never, never stop AT & T unless they can get an iPhone with unlimited data elsewhere. If Verizon wants to even the possibility of fighting in that segment of iPhone users that will have to offer unlimited data - and not totally stupid at that price $ 70 floating around which, for the love of Verizon, better than real .

Simultaneous voice and data: iPhone users are accustomed to being able to check email or pull up a map, while in the midst of a phone call, sometimes because it relates to the call, and sometimes because they want that were not on the call. From this moment, that's not something you can do on Verizon's CDMA network. Verizon has to fix this before the iPhone comes to Verizon if you want switches 4.

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