Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Attempted Chinese Shoes, Even The Basics - Shoes

Attempted Chinese Shoes, Even The Basics - Shoes, Shoes - Footwear
HC shoes net in August

3rd session of the Russian "gray customs clearance" and the anti-dumping case against Chinese shoes in the middle of the international road just the beginning. China shoe market overseas anti-dumping trade barriers and others, sooner or later, without this year, Russia, the European Union can not be next year, the United States. Currently, it is important to consider why the shoe companies and traditional manufacturing industries to experience such pain? The reason? Only to find the missing, to keep in shape in order to avoid making the same mistakes, it is able to withstand more storms in the international market. We can say that the shoe of this year in China, "" suffering ", first of all raw materials increased in 2008, the new work of the police to bring the cost of shoes, our statistical terms, the shoe costs of about 20%, in addition to the external environment, the system boots would affect exports: first, the U.S. financial crisis

and Europe's main export market, weak demand, reduced purchasing power of consumers, leading to a decline in domestic exports of footwear companies, secondly, some of the major export products that government has adopted a number of expense footwear exports from China, the measures that the EU continues to export of leather shoes from China High-dumping measures, the current phase of the sunset review, most recently, the Russian government to fight against the "customs gray suit, shoes Chinese have been kidnapped in Russia

Third, since the second half of 2008, remained the exchange rate of Renminbi stable while India, Indonesia and Brazil, major competitors such as exporting countries have a significant currency depreciation, n ' is not favorable for exports of footwear from China. Whole unpredictable situation on the international market, we have no reason to regret that we are only thinking of ways to overcome difficulties. The current is important to consider why the shoe companies and traditional manufacturing experience so much pain? The reason? Only to find their lost, keep fit, to avoid making the same mistakes could withstand more storms on the international market. Value-added products to enhance the international competitiveness of the market, in reality, the Russian Federation "gray customs clearance" and the anti-dumping cases against Chinese shoes in the international road just a beginning.

It is not a strong brand for a competitive advantage are often hidden weaknesses, strengths, on the other side is a very bad death. This is simply because they "think weeks", "meeting of the management group said a word, I say to you are always aware of the crisis and urgency, because the international markets, because if the mysterious virgin forest that surrounds the eyes of many carnivore watching you, so you need to stay sober, believe to be strong.

This year, Aokang proposed to build a science and technology, increasing the role of R & D of leather shoes to increase value-added products, like the current listing buffer breathable footwear and shoes sold in the price shoe market does not work beyond 200 to $ 500, which is the value of science and technology. The export of these shoes in the process of receiving foreigners more welcome.

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