Saturday, October 30, 2010

iPhone outsells Blackberry worldwide

       Within a week after Apple, Steve Jobs declared victory over the BlackBerry maker Research In Motion (RIM), the new numbers released on Friday confirmed that the iPhone has surpassed BlackBerry smartphone sales in the entire world. According to data from the third quarter of 2010, iPhone
BlackBerry has dethroned the fourth position in global popularity.
       In announcing the latest figures from IDC, a global research firm based IT in Massachusetts, said that with a 4.1 percent share of the global market for smartphones, the iPhone has surpassed BlackBerry, which now has a participation of 3.6 percent.

Thus, the iPhone has made a profit of about 1.6 percent from last year.

With a 32.4 percent share of global smartphone market, Nokia is still the world leader, followed by Samsung with 21 percent percent and LG Electronics 8.3.

Worldwide sales of smartphones in the third quarter totaled 340.5 million of 297. 1 million units during the same period last year.

While Nokia sold 110.4 million units during the third quarter, Samsung 71400000, 28400000 LG, Apple 14100000, 12400000 and BlackBerry.

"Apple's entry for the top 5 vendor ranking underscores the growing importance of smart phones for the global market. On the other hand, mobile phone manufacturers are delivering popular smartphone models are among the companies most rapid growth,''said senior research analyst Kevin Restivo IDC.

"Vendors who are not developing a strong portfolio of smartphones will be challenged to maintain and increase market share,''he said.

The report said Apple, RIM, and sellers of producing Android-based smartphones are now putting enormous pressure on Nokia, the market leader.

According to Ramon Llamas, IDC Mobile Device Technology and Trends team, "Grip Nokia's mobile phone market has traditionally been a little loose, as many Chinese suppliers have gained ground, especially in emerging markets'' .

Just last week, Apple CEO Steve Jobs had told Canadian reporters, "We went from RIM, and I look forward to catching up with us in the foreseeable feature.''

Friday, October 29, 2010

7 explanations why iphone 4 Whitened did not release

And not mention the reason why for sure, Apple’s apple iphone continues to hold off the presence of four variations associated with whitened. The most recent information, pre-orders already removed the actual white iphone from the Apple company online store. Should iphone 4 colours do not have to release all-white? Here is why this kind of quotes through eWEEK Friday (29/10/2010):wireless headsets

1. Not so Essential

apple iphone 4 white doesn't seem too important. Dark edition has been perfectly received by customers. If perhaps a big change associated with color only, it appears many people don't worry about its presence.

2. Hard Production

Viewing flight delays, Apple company appears possess difficulty making the apple iphone 4 whitened. Though potentially harmful product launch flight delays. Why don't you stop it all, and also to identify the apple iphone 4 whitened too difficult to be produced?

3. Wait for Brand new Generation apple iphone Only

If Apple company truly will offer you the iphone 4 whitened, it appears like it'll occur next year. Though the launch of new apple iphone adjacent predicted period. Instead of potentially not really sold, why must still be produced?

four. Pleased with the actual apple iphone 4 Dark

However, there are those who expect a whitened edition, the majority of consumers are pleased with the apple iphone version four dark. These people probably reasoned, is not much reason for waiting for the white edition.

five. Adverse Citra Apple

Delays that many occasions this can make consumers question, what is incorrect along with Apple company? Are they less capable of manufacturing focus on this particular device? The actual delay is probably additionally will make individuals think twice to buy this, if later on marketed.wireless headsets

six. Time to Recognize Errors

In the event that certainly there is something incorrect with this particular delay, Apple company claims it is good. Among the issues about Apple company is they frequently do not want to admit some thing is incorrect, but sometimes there is powerful evidence. Perhaps, this is their own chance.

seven. Apple company Condition Good Just

Apple has so far continues to have a very good overall performance and continue to obtain profit. With or even with no apple iphone 4 colour white appear much less influential.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

iPhone SIM could circumvent integrated companies and the debut of point sources in the NFC

Apple tend to try to further marginalize its carrier partners by using a new SIM card pre-programmed for the iPhone. The card - which, according to sources of GigaOM Gemalto is developing - has a ROM in advance and upgradeable flash chip, the ultimate capacity being injected with carrier information via a network connection, and the same time activated through iTunes, and be integrated into the iPhone and can not access the user. Gemalto, meanwhile, would handle the necessary backend to the system. top iphone
Programmable SIM card iPhone buyers would choose their company at the point of sale - or Apple stores or through Apple online portal - or even via a download from the App Store, with the last settings automatically sent your device and a minimum of zero contact with the carriers themselves. Europe is dumped on the market more likely for Apple to debut the system, like the iPhone 4 is currently sold across multiple networks in several European countries.
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The benefit to consumers would be an installation procedure easier and potentially more direct international roaming. On the negative side, through the integration of the new SIM card into the motherboard of the iPhone, Apple effectively circumvent now unlock their phones and SIM cards to swap will only be able to switch to Apple company had "approved" for inclusion in the list of options.

Interestingly, Gemalto are also specialists in the NFC and contactless payments, and there is speculation that this work could actually be the first step in a model with NFC-equipped iPhone. Apple already has several patents covering non-cash purchase and related technologies, and this hardware and the back-end system could be easily converted to the implementation of these.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Apple still can not get a white iPhone
Peddler fruity 4 broken iPhone, Apple, apparently can not reach the manufacturing intelligence to make a white iPhone 4.

After announcing his genius for design, Apple has managed to make a complete pig's ear of the iPhone 4. Do not just drop calls when used in the left hand, but had a brown color screen, security holes and a tendency to crack over time.

In fact, if the iPhone 4 had been made by any other company would have quietly disappeared from the shelves and replaced with something better by now. Fortunately, there are legends of people who have more money than sense, who have made a success defective phone.

However, Apple has always managed to make a white version of their products. These are very popular among Apple fanboys, but for some reason many Jobs have been unable to make this time.

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Today you can buy any color for iPhone 4 as long as its black color. Jobs said that originally a white version of the phone that came in July, then moved to the end of the year. Now looks set to become the Duke Nukem of the mobile world.

Now Apple has said it may delay the release of the white iPhone, this time until next spring, nearly 12 months after the black hit stores.

The latest version of the popular phone, the iPhone in April, was released in June, but the white model was the first late July, after the end of the year now and early next year.

Apple said he was sorry to disappoint customers waiting for the white iPhone again. Of course, refused to say why could not make a white plastic box.

In the past, Apple said only that the white model was "more difficult to manufacture than originally expected."

The dark satanic rumor mill claims that Apple has had problems with the color of problem gambling and there is a problem with the backlight of the device.

We believe it is more likely that the iPhone 4 design has some problems with the heat that makes the white case to turn a funny color. But we're just guessing, and since Apple does not say why, it opens the door to such speculation.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Apple iPhone Workers in China III Assembly of smoke, says ABC
Chinese workers assembling laptop computers and Apple Inc. iPhones have been sickened by the inhalation of chemicals, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation reported today, citing the workers concerned.

Workers are being treated in the People's Hospital Number Five in the city of Suzhou in eastern China, the report said.

"We take these reports seriously and will look into it," said Jill Tan, a spokesman for the Hong Kong-based Apple, by telephone today.

Calls to the general line of the Hospital of Suzhou Number Five People were not immediately returned.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Christmas gifts for kids to get digital

Kid on her mobile.jpg
Christmas going digital for kids (Thinkstock photos/Getty Images)
Christmas is set to go digital this year, with children ditching traditional train sets and dolls for iPhone and iPad.

A survey revealed that almost one in four children said their most wanted Christmas gift was the iPhone of Apple 4 smartphone, the player's web-surfing media IPAD or an MP3 music player iPod.

66 percent between the ages of 13 and 16 of the introduction of high-tech product at the top of your Christmas wish list, 17 per cent of five to eight years and a half of nine to 12 years old, made the same, reports the Daily Mail

Other devices in the top ten of the Duracell Toy Report include Microsoft handsfree Kinect motion controller for Xbox 360 gaming console, the battery power-Zhu Zhu and his pet hamster Hamster Kung Zhu spin-offs, the PlayStation Move driver and Flip HD video camera.

familiar toys displayed in a modern style with the Lego Harry Potter and Video Barbie Girl video - a video camera located in a Barbie doll.

The list is completed with the Buzz Light year Jet Pack, the popular character in the history of toys with lights and sounds jet afterburners.

A spokesman for Duracell, which questioned 2,138 children and parents in line, he said, "under 16 have become fully engaged with the technology of adults."

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Horn iPhone speaker volume increases

          Fruitshop accessory manufacturer has launched a "amplifier" for the iPhone, which increases the speaker volume without drawing additional power.
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The Taiwan-based company said the voice of silicon, which resembles the style horn speakers found on old gramophones, is based on acoustic principles to amplify sound, instead of a battery power supply.

The fixture slips over the bottom of the iPhone - on the speaker grille - to channel the sound through the trumpet-shaped tube, the addition of 12 decibels of sound pressure on the volume.

The amp also doubles as a support for the iPhone, propping up the device horizontally or vertically.

Fruitshop, which sells the unit under its "Bone Collection" brand, said the line amplifier is available in black, green or brown for $ 25.

Friday, October 22, 2010

2011 priorities Apple: iPhone 5. Verizon iPhone. Mac León. IPAD 2

Apple Year in 2011 will see the launch of the iPhone, Verizon (presumably), the iPhone 5 (likely), the IPAD 2 (no doubt), and MacOS X León (already announced). Steve Jobs of Apple works and has its own set of priorities, and he is smarter than the person writing this article. But since he is not talking, here's this writer to take what Apple's priorities should be in 2011, in order of number one down ...

iPhone 5: Although only a few months, the iPhone 4 times has been remarkable for the fact that iPhone sales are growing by leaps and bounds (up to 91% compared to the same period last year) and number of strange joke as "controversies" that have emerged around the iPhone 4, which have received tons of ink and, presumably, the sales of a negative - and 4 but iPhone sales are still well above what iPhone 3G sales was back when first released. 5 With the iPhone, Apple has the difficult task of keeping the iPhone 4 intact enough to preserve what is clear was attractive to customers, while changing just enough to get the iPhone 4 users to update, and change what enough that the people turned against the controversial iPhone 4 dealers are convinced that the iPhone 5 does not suffer from the same "problems" that the iPhone 4 (actually never) had. Achieving that balance will be an interesting challenge, and comes at a vital moment, not only with increasing Droid platform deal, but millions of Verizon customers before actually deciding whether to go ahead and finally bought her first iPhone.

Verizon's iPhone: The stubbornness of the Verizon users who say they want an iPhone, and yet still have not gone to AT & T to get one, after three years suggests that they never will. If Apple wants the iPhone sales to continue growing, a Verizon iPhone is not just a good idea, is an absolute necessity.

MacOS X Leon: How this is not a higher priority than the iPhone for Verizon? There are two factors. One is that the iPhone, Verizon has the potential to perhaps double the size of the iPhone user base, while the same can not be said of Leon. The other is that the MacOS stabilized a while ago, with the last two or three versions combined do not have a single new feature that Mac users (not Mac enthusiasts) can name the letter. The lack of progress in MacOS X as Apple's developers have been out working on IOS has not affected Mac sales, which are becoming less 20 to 30 percent per year. Based on the demo, Leon seems to be the most significant change in the field of MacOS X in years. But I'm still going to be extra kind of thing.

IPAD 2: This is of vital importance, yet it feels more like a tray than anything else. Add a camera, increase the speed and capacity, perhaps offer a CDMA version for Verizon customers to save them from the ignominy of having to carry a MiFi in the pocket at all times, and you're almost there. A lot of people, including Mac users refuse to buy any new Apple product until it reaches the second generation. All Apple really needs to do is not mess cheap apple ipod mp3 player accessories online
White iPhone, Apple needs to get this clarified at some point. But with the iPhone's 4 sales through the roof, even without the white model in the market, saying Apple's own iPhone never white on the previous generation sold as well as the black model, this is not much a priority as get a Verizon iPhone at the door.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Verizon iPhone Now In short truest test of the photos

        So for the past ... infinity, the rumors of a Verizon iPhone have been floating around. But is stronger than ever. What's more, it could actually be happening. We finally have what appears to be the real test, and photos that are not blurred Mr. Cam.
      According to reports from Boy Genius, iPhone, Verizon has reached the final stage of testing. And that's not all, apparently, the iPhone from Verizon (or at least the CDMA iPhone compatible) contains a SIM card slot which would be a CDMA + GSM / HSPA iPhone.
          And in other news, some leaked photos of a “prototype N92 Verizon iPhone” have just hit the web. RichyRich of the N92 prototype. N92 is the iPhone code number that is believed to be Apple’s Verizon-compatible CDMA phone.

        So there you have it. The Apple event is tomorrow and if anything, I want there to be a Verizon iPhone already just so all these rumors will stop. But we’ll have to wait and see.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

IPAD is about the debut of Korea

         Market for touch screen equipment is anticipating a kickstart with the regulators here confirming that Apple has sought approval for his team radio iPad.
         Tablets are not entirely new, but have never been considered a huge cone of money so far, as the technology industry hangs its hopes on the Apple iPad to do for these devices as the board what the iPhone did to smart phones.
         Korean electronics manufacturers, from large brands such as Samsung Electronics to small businesses as iStation, have rushed to introduce a large number of pills in recent months, trying to get an edge on the iPad, which undoubtedly will product to beat.
         According to the Korea Communications Commission (KCC), the country's broadcasting and telecommunications regulator, Apple released two versions of Wi-Fi and 3D only able to approve IPAD Radio Radio Agency KCC investigation.
         KT, the mobile operator that exclusively provides iPhones here, expects to release iPads with cellular connectivity as soon as next month. IPads provide the carrier under a contract of two years, as it does with quality headphones, and package equipment with gateway devices called `` egg''laptop. Egg is designed to convert the signals of WiBro, a portable high-speed Internet technology that is the local variant of mobile WiMAX in Wi-Fi signals.
        KT and marketing of a Tablet PC in `` Identity tab,''a 7-inch tablet manufactured by the device manufacturer of medium size, Enspurt, which targets low-end users.
        KT expects tough competition from rivals SK Telecom Company, which plans to compete against itself IPAD Tablet PC Samsung Galaxy tab. SK Telecom expects to release the tab Galaxy next month.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Why so popular IPHONE cell phone
         Iphone to be favorable for iphone itself, I personally do not think the charm, after all, it caused not just what is listed in terms of market acceptance of its most attractive is its technology from Apple, the Apple brand is led to pursuit of its main Motivation.People from the ipod to the macbook apple every time the concept of process design and culture moved, which directly led to a mindset of people, all Apple will be fine.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Apple iPad Alternatives: The Samsung Galaxy Tab

       The Samsung Galaxy Tab represents the first best shot an Android tablet has at putting a dent into the Apple iPad's  tablet market dominance. Judging from the buzz the Tab has created, it just might succeed in becoming the first real iPad alternative.
       The first evaluation units are rolling out to reviewers as I type this (yes, TabletPCReview is working on a review), so let's go to the tale of the tape.
Tale of the Tape: Apple iPad versus Samsung Galaxy Tab

Specs     Samsung Galaxy Tab     Apple iPad
Screen     7 inches     9.7 inches
Resolution     1024 x 600     1024 x 768
Operating System     Android 2.2
(update to 3.0 rumored)     iOS 3.2.2
(iOS 4.2 coming in November)
Processor     1GHz Cortex A8     1GHz Apple A4
Graphics     PowerVR SGX 540     PowerVR SGX 535
RAM     512MB     256MB
Storage     16GB/32GB     16GB/32GB/64GB
Storage Expansion     microSD
(up to 32GB)     NA
Connectivity     3G, Bluetooth 3.0,
802.11 b/g/n Wi-Fi     3G optional, Bluetooth 2.1+EDR,
802.11 b/g/n Wi-Fi
Network     Sprint, Verizon,
T-Mobile, AT&T     AT&T
Camera     front-facing 1.3MP,
3MP rear camera     NA
Weight     .84 lbs     1.5 lbs paper, the Samsung Galaxy tab is more powerful, more portable, lighter, and has both expandable storage and two cameras, while the iPad has none. The Galaxy Tab will also support video conferencing over WiFi, a feature Apple will almost certainly include on the next-generation iPad, as well as Flash, a feature Apple iPad fans will probably never see.
       Apple's App Advantage
       Samsung Galaxy TabIf the iPad has one advantage, it is in the App Store. While the Galaxy Tab is one of the few Android tablets with direct access to the Android Market, the app selection doesn't compare to Apple's. The App Store has more than a quarter of a million apps. The Android Market number ranges from the high five figures to more than 100,000, depending on whom you ask.
        The iPad may also have an advantage in pricing. While the lowest priced iPad, the 16GB Wi-Fi unit that runs $500, is more expensive than the rumored Galaxy Tab price -- $400 with a two year agreement, at least from Sprint and T-Mobile; $600 and up, unsubsidized -- those pining for an Android tablet are probably hoping for something less expensive, especially considering top-of-the-line Android smartphones like the EVO 4G and Samsung Galaxy series routinely cost less than $250 at launch, with an agreement. Also, the iPad 3G contract is month to month and requires no multi-year agreement. If the rumors are correct, the Galaxy Tab carriers will not emulate this model and that will drive the total cost of Galaxy Tab ownership past the iPad.

Ultimately, the Samsung Galaxy Tab doesn't offer much more in terms of functionality than the 4.3-inch EVO 4G, which also supports video conferencing and offers data at 4G speeds. In addition, you can make voice calls on the EVO, which was a feature Samsung disabled in the US version of the Galaxy Tab.
        A Tablet OS
       Finally, the Samsung Galaxy Tab will ship with Android 2.2, aka Froyo. Google representatives have gone on the record as saying Froyo is not optimized for tablets, that it was conceived as a smartphone OS. Google may fix that with Android 3.0, and you can bet the Samsung Galaxy Tab will get that update, but TabletPCReview can't help but wonder how Froyo might inhibit the Galaxy Tab.
         It's true, the iPad's iOS is also the same operating system found on the iPhone. But Apple originally conceived the iPhone as a tablet, and developed the operating system specifically for the form factor. In addition, the iOS 4.2 update will bring added tablet functionality to the iPad, including multitasking and wireless printing capabilities.        
        What do you think? Will the Galaxy Tab live up to the hype? Can it put a dent in iPad sales? Also, be sure to check TabletPCReview soon for a hands-on review of the Galaxy Tab.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Scavengers Laptop

          Somewhere in the USA, some scavengers start using microblogging (twitter) to tell a friend, where the bin has a new shipment. According to photographs of people say that this scavengers often appear in the town, seems to be beside the point with solar panels to provide power for their notebooks.
          These scavengers, often using the old laptop, through the solar panels to provide energy where there is free wifi, and often see their presence.
        Typically, most leisure time dishes using Facebook steal the play, get busy, they will use twitter to notify the allies, all the trash in the current situation.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Cute pictures of children

            The children always give our lives more enjoyable. From them, we can see the purity and innocence of life possibilities. In these works, we try to reproduce all the children who can see beauty, I believe every member of the audience will be touched by them.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Beauty Love Apple Apple Female Figure world's most popular tours

         Today we are discussing is not the Apple phone, not a MAC computer, but all the world's most popular "Apple girl", from which selected the number of girls who love Apple products, they are put on display Apple related products , for example, most of MacBook and iPod products's most quiet girl             Valentina Moisseeva            Valentina is a native of Russia, Astrakhan who is currently a professional model. She likes to use her 4th generation iPod. 
         Aylen Milla         Aylen Lada from Avignon, and also as a model of a student. Her favorite gadgets is her own iPod.
        The most talented Apple Girl        The Internet is the fire from Korea Kim Yeo-hui, was netizens called Apple Girl. She uses iphone to showcase their vocal, coupled with the appearance of pure charm, and soon became popular in the network. She became famous because of two videos, a section is Beyonce's "Irreplacable", another section is singing Lady Gaga's "Pokerface".
       Kim Yeo-hui        Dare to try new things "Apple Girl" skillfully use the application looks like, and the resulting distinctive vocals and her appearance became a subject. She can greet Korean and Japanese and other languages, but the video had been shot in English, to watch the object expanded to Internet users around the world. Users to receive video from You Tube, you can go to iphone woman Twitter, and published by asking her thoughts freely and two-way communication, which is also popular for a reason. Kim Yeo-hui to use iphone to showcase their singing, so that became popular in the network lie, iPhone hype charm is evident. .    
             Antonella Basile            Anto is a famous model, she is studying the recent advertising and public relations of the two degrees. In addition to other iPod, and she also likes her GPS.
            Apple's most beautiful female intellectual             What is the most beautiful woman? Each has a different view in mind. But the intellectual beauty can not refuse to give you a charm and temperament. Intellectual woman not only has a beautiful apple, and devil's body appearance, but also with cultural meaning and self-cultivation, intellectual charm and temperament is more to show to the Apple products.
          Cristina Poetto is a professional model, outstanding artists and a full range of Mac enthusiasts. She likes to use Photoshop.
          Joana Tomaselli attractive port city from Buenos Aires.In the image above using her orange iPod Shuffle. After the end of a busy day's work, she likes to lay in bed, use the iPod Shuffle to listen to wonderful music, to relieve fatigue. She also very much like Apple's iPod Touch.


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

How to rip DVD movie and convert videos to Ipad

A beautiful high resolution screen of 9.7 inches IPAD is ideal for any type of video, high definition movies and TV shows to podcasts and music videos. However, if you want to watch DVD movies or video files on your IPAD, you must first copy DVDs and convert videos from video files compatible IPAD and then transfer the output video synchronization IPAD with iTunes.

The only tool you need is IPAD Converter Suite, which is perfectly included in every DVD IPAD IPAD Converter for Mac Video Converter for Mac

The following guide shows you how to rip DVD and convert video to IPAD video on Mac IPAD IPAD Converter Suite. And is divided into two parts:

Part 1. How to rip DVDs to IPAD Using Mac DVD to IPAD

Step 1. IPAD Release DVD Converter for Mac and DVD movies Add

Click the "DVD to IPAD Converter for Mac" for the DVD release of IPAD Converter for Mac.

Insert the DVD into the DVD drive and click the "Load DVD" to import DVD movies.

Tips: This DVD Converter for Mac IPAD can load three DVD source. You can load your DVD from DVD drive, DVD folder on your PC and also the IFO file.

Monday, October 11, 2010

The Apple iPad - A new device of recent years IPAD is a revolutionary new device released by Apple and is a mixture of Apple iPhone, Apple iPod Touch, and a full notebook or laptop. Using the touch screen you can use the Internet for research applications, along with audio and video features this new Apple iPad device. In recent years, Apple Tablet PC was introduced in the Apple press conference, where many people have seen the recent spate of Apple. It is the same as Apple's iPhone, but some of the visitors expected to the characteristics of the latest version of Apple iPad tablet.

At the time of launching the new IPAD submitted many people refer to this as the updated version of Apple's iPhone and iPod Touch from Apple. So the iPhone and iTouch users want the latest features of the new Apple iPad. The best features of this version that I like is the battery lover iPad Apple iPad about 10 hours on one battery charge will last 30 days in standby mode.

The IPAD does most of the people all they do on their computers all day, but the average user needs large amounts of storage or processing power, who want to surf the web, watch a movie and send emails, etc. and Apple is believed that the IPAD does all these things better than a computer. When there is an Apple iPad, the technology that is included with the device allows the capture of one of the Safari web pages and see them clearly. Just press the touch screen useful Multi-Touch with your finger and you can view your favorite web pages the way you want to see them in their new version IPAD.

memory enhancement is not an option with the X6 however, a generous 32 GB of internal memory provides high capacity storage media, contacts and database files Wi-Fi. 128MB RAM and a variety of connectivity options include GPRS and EDGE class32 class32. Internet access is provided in the HSDPA speeds of up to 3. access to 6 Mbps and Wi-Fi allows users to take advantage of various parts of the country, because the Bluetooth version 2.0 is installed as standard which allows transfer of files between Bluetooth enabled devices.

People will have many features of the iPhone and iTouch devices with larger form different specs and lower prices - but that means nothing better than IPAD it did exactly what people need perfectly, millions of people have chosen the IPAD on more devices powerful for the same reason.

The combination of powerful applications and hardware X6 is Symbian OS Series 60 along with a powerful RAM 11 434 processors, the X6 is a very capable iPad. Other features include an organizer, photo editor, voice command / line input and T9 predictive text, etc.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Ultra affordable GPS navigator GP-17 cost-effective highlight Leo

     Major automotive GPS market has been more competitive, the different GPS products came into being and the evolution toward digital products Almighty. GPS is now the consumers want this, can act as a navigator in the car, can act as look at the outdoor film songs, MP4, in the home can act as a digital photo frame, a machine capable variety of needs. Metropolitan Neo For the above, introduced a portable all-around positioning Leo GP-17, with 4.3-inch screen capable body needs a variety of occasions to a variety of functions to meet different customer needs.
Neo GP-17 pre-installed maps Kay Rucker C series as the main goal in simple, visual design of the interface is also quite comfortable, based on personal preferences, random replacement of the interface and mapping of skin color. The biggest highlight of the map is the new 3D Virtual amplification complex junctions, the junction will be completely true representation of the complexity out of the most clear and conspicuous manner to guide the driver into the target lane. Truly national coverage of 362 cities and 2862 counties, while more than 128 classified types of information points more than 500 million mass information point, covering all types of shopping, dining, entertainment, public services, schools and hospitals. It also has route planning and voice prompts, users simply enter the name of the origin and destination, it can provide a path between the two plans. This map can be a free upgrade twice a year, while Leo GP-17 also supports the radar early warning function, genuine good electronic dog collar; support genuine electronic dog, free upgrades for life. Neo GP-17 can support the radar gun, users can purchase related accessories to add to use.
     In terms of entertainment, Leo GP-17 can support MP4, MPG, WMV, AVI, ASF, MOV, FLV, 3GP files, basically most of the resources into the machine on the network can realize play. E-book function supports TXT format, a number of human users to read, comfortable setting. Music player, support file format MP3, WMA, in the process of moving can also enjoy music to relax. Using the FM transmitter function, but also allows Leo GP-17's music and car audio sharing, the happiness to be more carefree and comfortable. Picture browsing, support picture format is BMP, JPG, PNG, can be automatically play, rotate the canvas, zoom and other operations.
     Neo GP-17 in the overall design style fashion and fortitude, huge eye-catching design makes the frame look more Leo GP-17 atmosphere. Peripheral details of the deal properly with a reasonable material, through the latter part of the overall processing makes the body scrub with a little texture, feel very superior, and has good slip resistance. Meanwhile, the biggest feature is the design in black piano paint materials for the next frame, both beautiful and unique. Body ordered USB data cable, headphone jack, mini SD card slot. Leo is also very comprehensive in parts, providing MINI USB cable, charger, adsorption bracket, car adapter, back support and so on, work is quite outstanding, very particular about the materials used. .
     Optional Neo GP-17 bar, in addition to act as a navigator in the car outside, you can watch the outdoor video files displayed in the home can also serve as a warm digital photo frame. A Neo GP-17 can meet your needs, not satisfied? Then up to the major digital stores to experience some talk about it. Will let you reflect the outstanding price, so you constantly surprises.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

The report said: users prefer to use iPad on bed

According to research firm NPD has released a survey of user preferences in bed with Apple iPad tablet. The report shows that the average weekly use of the early users iPad iPad 18 hours, of which 1 / 3 of the user longer. Users in the use iPad, 20% of the time in bed use, and use a fixed form of the time less than 25% of the iPad.
This should iPad user base composition. According to Nielsen survey, 35 years old age group accounted for 65% of users iPad.
NPD analyst Stephen Baker (Stephen Baker) said: "Obviously, iPad shape design allows users to feel the warmth, there is a desire to embrace the feeling."
The report also shows that early users more satisfied iPad. IPad buy in starting the users within two months, 80% expressed great satisfaction on the iPad, while starting two months after the purchase of the user satisfaction rate iPad only 65%.
NPD also found that, iPad little impact on PC sales. IPad 13% of users said they would not to buy PC, 24% said they would not to buy e-book reader.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Apple iPad AirPrint come to some iPod, the iPhone in November good is a computer in your hands if you can not print documents of value from it?

Apple CEO Steve Jobs agrees.

According to a press release from Apple, AirPrint, allowing the IPAD, iPhone and iPod Touch to print documents, will be included in the free software update in November iOS 4.2.

"AirPrint automatically searches for local and network printers can print text, graphics and photos wirelessly via Wi-Fi without having to install drivers or software to download," the statement said. "AirPrint is designed to support a wide range of printers, inkjet printers, entry-level office laser printers. In addition, the 4.2 IOS devices can print to shared printers via a Mac or a PC."

However, not all generations of iPhone and iPod Touch compatible with AirPrint - only 4 iPhone, 3G and iPod Touch, third-generation and later.

Apart from the ability of AirPrint to access shared network printers, Hewlett Packard "ePrint" enabled printers allow direct interaction with IOS devices like the iPhone and iPad.

IPAD interest

West Branch junior Aaron Antcliff said he had his eye on the iPad since its launch, but was turned off by the inability of the device to print.

"That was my main reason not to get an iPad," he said. "I could take notes on it, but if I can not print the notes of the iPad, which is useless, because I will not use the IPAD to study. I did not want another entertainment device."

Antcliff said iPads are more practical than laptops for mobile use, since they are smaller, lighter and have long battery life.

"I definitely think that will revolutionize the computer IPAD as long as they get to the level where people can use to print and do your daily work with them," he said.

Once AirPrint and IOS 4.2 software update is available for the iPad, Antcliff said they consider one.

"I'll kind of wait and see what the reaction to that," he said. "As many of these devices is best kind of sitting, waiting and watching for a month. I want to see how it works before you clunk down $ 700 on a new iPad."

PrintQ compatibility

Antcliff said he is concerned AirPrint not be compatible with the CMU system PrintQ and hoped that the function can be used to print on campus.

Jeff McDowell, director of information technology help desk, said he is not familiar with Apple software AirPrint and are not sure of their compatibility with the system PrintQ.

"I can not be with Jive PrintQ however, we find another piece of software running and we'd have to see how the mesh together," he said. "It will be very difficult to determine what you can do that until we have one in our hands and can prove it."

In a follow-up e-mailed response, said the design McDowell AirPrint may be incompatible with some printers on campus.

"In general I can say that enabling printing from personal laptops is on the roadmap to long term for the services offered through the labs on campus, and allowing printing from IOS devices is undoubtedly related to the goal, "he said.

"Nothing stands in the first place that prevent students in residences and apartments AirPrint use their personal printers."

Monday, October 4, 2010

Sony Ericsson J108i GreenHeart illustrated tour of environmental protection machine

  NP6H88D71J0C_2_500 Recently, the leading "communications entertainment," the trend of the Sony Ericsson announced the launch of the year following the J10, J20, M1i after its re-GreenHeart out a series of new green phone models J108i was recently officially listed in the Chinese mainland, the phone will for consumers to build a wider social circle, in the 3G network to the next Friends of the Friends to share high-speed and convenience. SAN FRANCISCO mobile phone group in the National Day holiday period for everyone to bring this Sony Ericsson J108i illustrated tour. Sony Ericsson J108i has a network of consumer long-awaited features, to bring you the convenient communication experience.
  2J23LHPOO7WH_4_500  The phone uses widget Widget Manager 2.0 Manager application, the user can access social networking standby interface, easy to enjoy the social experience. In addition, a major highlight of the phone is the successor of Sony Ericsson products in 2010, advocated the "ergonomic curve" design concept, while the keyboard with a ladder, a perfect fit hand type, making operation even easier. In addition to Sony Ericsson from the same fit appearance since the "green also fashion" temperament outside, J108i also greatly in functionality to meet the needs of modern people. It supports 3G HSPA network, can realize high-speed Web browsing, a key to type the Web and other functions directly. Meanwhile, the phone will be happy,Q75286S61QG7_8_500 Sina microblogging, mobile QQ, and other mainstream SNS applications are collected in the bag, Taobao, Youku, Baidu search, also readily available. Whether the user is interested or concerned about social entertainment, J108i can intimate to meet the needs of users.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Response to the impact of the father of ThinkPad iPad; not beat PC industry

982O1G8CX8V5D761881S0HKBOT698002_500  Sept. 17, Apple iPad official visit in China mainland market. Apple's flagship store in Shanghai Lujiazui ago, more than 20 scenes of Apple fans queuing overnight, so the number of Mainland consumers for the first time felt the iPad the charm of the scene. Pad's outstanding performance, the traditional PC products face major challenges. U.S. electronics retailer Best Buy CEO Brian Dunn recently even behind the iPad: Best Buy, W4D3H38172521SMZ5Q01904HK8870052_500iPad snatch from the laptop, where 50% of sales, more and more people choose to buy rather than higher prices iPad notebook. Morgan Stanley analyst Katie Huberty recent report to investors that Morgan Stanley estimated in April this year iPad the market, has eaten 25% of the notebook computer sales. However, I do not know is intentional or coincidence, landed on the mainland market in the iPad the day, Apple's flagship store in the Pudong Lujiazui Direct hundred meters outside the Carlton Hotel on the Hai Lisi, "ThinkPad" father Naito is used in "under a blueprint for a generation ThinkPad "response to the PC industry, the impact of iPad. "IPad will not beat the PC industry," Naito said in is quite certain, "they are completely different products." iPad major threat to the Internet To mid-August, iPad tablet PC has sold more than 400 million units, up to now, even though Apple did not disclose terms of the latest statistics on global sales, but industry estimates should have been close to 600 million units. Since the fourth quarter is the peak season of sales of consumer electronics, Apple iPad year sales expected to exceed 12 million units, far more than analysts had expected.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

A good helper holiday travel entertainment mainstream music phone Recommended 6

Travel are often the things people are excited, but very boring trip headache. Therefore, when many people travel to pass the time will come up with various ways, will bring a lot of entertainment equipment, such as MP4, PSP, MP3 and so on. In addition to digital cameras and daily necessities, avoid luggage a bit much.
Today, we recommend several Xiaobian to the current mainstream music phone, cell phone not only has a good music player, MP4 player, games, etc., all very exciting, and there are sections of the signal we can also host online to tease, pass the time is definitely a good assistant.
Sony Ericsson WALKMAN series has been the choice of music-loving friends. Not long ago, the new building of the W20, in the traditional style inherited WALKMAN, they also added new elements of the times, and strive to provide users with more suitable for the present era WALKMAN phone. The machine is still using the familiar slide design, equipped with a 2.6-inch display, 3.2 million pixel camera. The aircraft is now priced at about 1180 yuan or so, like friends think about it.