Saturday, October 23, 2010

Horn iPhone speaker volume increases

          Fruitshop accessory manufacturer has launched a "amplifier" for the iPhone, which increases the speaker volume without drawing additional power.
iphone 4 4       
The Taiwan-based company said the voice of silicon, which resembles the style horn speakers found on old gramophones, is based on acoustic principles to amplify sound, instead of a battery power supply.

The fixture slips over the bottom of the iPhone - on the speaker grille - to channel the sound through the trumpet-shaped tube, the addition of 12 decibels of sound pressure on the volume.

The amp also doubles as a support for the iPhone, propping up the device horizontally or vertically.

Fruitshop, which sells the unit under its "Bone Collection" brand, said the line amplifier is available in black, green or brown for $ 25.

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