Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Apple still can not get a white iPhone
Peddler fruity 4 broken iPhone, Apple, apparently can not reach the manufacturing intelligence to make a white iPhone 4.

After announcing his genius for design, Apple has managed to make a complete pig's ear of the iPhone 4. Do not just drop calls when used in the left hand, but had a brown color screen, security holes and a tendency to crack over time.

In fact, if the iPhone 4 had been made by any other company would have quietly disappeared from the shelves and replaced with something better by now. Fortunately, there are legends of people who have more money than sense, who have made a success defective phone.

However, Apple has always managed to make a white version of their products. These are very popular among Apple fanboys, but for some reason many Jobs have been unable to make this time.

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Classifieds TechEye

Today you can buy any color for iPhone 4 as long as its black color. Jobs said that originally a white version of the phone that came in July, then moved to the end of the year. Now looks set to become the Duke Nukem of the mobile world.

Now Apple has said it may delay the release of the white iPhone, this time until next spring, nearly 12 months after the black hit stores.

The latest version of the popular phone, the iPhone in April, was released in June, but the white model was the first late July, after the end of the year now and early next year.

Apple said he was sorry to disappoint customers waiting for the white iPhone again. Of course, refused to say why could not make a white plastic box.

In the past, Apple said only that the white model was "more difficult to manufacture than originally expected."

The dark satanic rumor mill claims that Apple has had problems with the color of problem gambling and there is a problem with the backlight of the device.

We believe it is more likely that the iPhone 4 design has some problems with the heat that makes the white case to turn a funny color. But we're just guessing, and since Apple does not say why, it opens the door to such speculation.

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