Sunday, October 3, 2010

Response to the impact of the father of ThinkPad iPad; not beat PC industry

982O1G8CX8V5D761881S0HKBOT698002_500  Sept. 17, Apple iPad official visit in China mainland market. Apple's flagship store in Shanghai Lujiazui ago, more than 20 scenes of Apple fans queuing overnight, so the number of Mainland consumers for the first time felt the iPad the charm of the scene. Pad's outstanding performance, the traditional PC products face major challenges. U.S. electronics retailer Best Buy CEO Brian Dunn recently even behind the iPad: Best Buy, W4D3H38172521SMZ5Q01904HK8870052_500iPad snatch from the laptop, where 50% of sales, more and more people choose to buy rather than higher prices iPad notebook. Morgan Stanley analyst Katie Huberty recent report to investors that Morgan Stanley estimated in April this year iPad the market, has eaten 25% of the notebook computer sales. However, I do not know is intentional or coincidence, landed on the mainland market in the iPad the day, Apple's flagship store in the Pudong Lujiazui Direct hundred meters outside the Carlton Hotel on the Hai Lisi, "ThinkPad" father Naito is used in "under a blueprint for a generation ThinkPad "response to the PC industry, the impact of iPad. "IPad will not beat the PC industry," Naito said in is quite certain, "they are completely different products." iPad major threat to the Internet To mid-August, iPad tablet PC has sold more than 400 million units, up to now, even though Apple did not disclose terms of the latest statistics on global sales, but industry estimates should have been close to 600 million units. Since the fourth quarter is the peak season of sales of consumer electronics, Apple iPad year sales expected to exceed 12 million units, far more than analysts had expected.

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