Friday, October 22, 2010

2011 priorities Apple: iPhone 5. Verizon iPhone. Mac León. IPAD 2

Apple Year in 2011 will see the launch of the iPhone, Verizon (presumably), the iPhone 5 (likely), the IPAD 2 (no doubt), and MacOS X León (already announced). Steve Jobs of Apple works and has its own set of priorities, and he is smarter than the person writing this article. But since he is not talking, here's this writer to take what Apple's priorities should be in 2011, in order of number one down ...

iPhone 5: Although only a few months, the iPhone 4 times has been remarkable for the fact that iPhone sales are growing by leaps and bounds (up to 91% compared to the same period last year) and number of strange joke as "controversies" that have emerged around the iPhone 4, which have received tons of ink and, presumably, the sales of a negative - and 4 but iPhone sales are still well above what iPhone 3G sales was back when first released. 5 With the iPhone, Apple has the difficult task of keeping the iPhone 4 intact enough to preserve what is clear was attractive to customers, while changing just enough to get the iPhone 4 users to update, and change what enough that the people turned against the controversial iPhone 4 dealers are convinced that the iPhone 5 does not suffer from the same "problems" that the iPhone 4 (actually never) had. Achieving that balance will be an interesting challenge, and comes at a vital moment, not only with increasing Droid platform deal, but millions of Verizon customers before actually deciding whether to go ahead and finally bought her first iPhone.

Verizon's iPhone: The stubbornness of the Verizon users who say they want an iPhone, and yet still have not gone to AT & T to get one, after three years suggests that they never will. If Apple wants the iPhone sales to continue growing, a Verizon iPhone is not just a good idea, is an absolute necessity.

MacOS X Leon: How this is not a higher priority than the iPhone for Verizon? There are two factors. One is that the iPhone, Verizon has the potential to perhaps double the size of the iPhone user base, while the same can not be said of Leon. The other is that the MacOS stabilized a while ago, with the last two or three versions combined do not have a single new feature that Mac users (not Mac enthusiasts) can name the letter. The lack of progress in MacOS X as Apple's developers have been out working on IOS has not affected Mac sales, which are becoming less 20 to 30 percent per year. Based on the demo, Leon seems to be the most significant change in the field of MacOS X in years. But I'm still going to be extra kind of thing.

IPAD 2: This is of vital importance, yet it feels more like a tray than anything else. Add a camera, increase the speed and capacity, perhaps offer a CDMA version for Verizon customers to save them from the ignominy of having to carry a MiFi in the pocket at all times, and you're almost there. A lot of people, including Mac users refuse to buy any new Apple product until it reaches the second generation. All Apple really needs to do is not mess cheap apple ipod mp3 player accessories online
White iPhone, Apple needs to get this clarified at some point. But with the iPhone's 4 sales through the roof, even without the white model in the market, saying Apple's own iPhone never white on the previous generation sold as well as the black model, this is not much a priority as get a Verizon iPhone at the door.

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